Miccosukee Tribe - Indian Village

The most fun day shooting EV-ERRR!

When McClatchy Creative Lab contacted me about a project for the Miccosukee Tribe I was thrilled. I couldn’t have imagined that it was going to be this much fun though. We were given access the Tribe’s Indian Village including guides, airboats and the typical hammock-style camp which has airboat access only.

We got great images shooting from boat to boat (see the video for more). Elvis our chief guide was incredible, helping us logistically and driving the airboats at high speeds as we took the production out into the swamp.

Here are some behind-the-scenes images below to show off the shenanigans.

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Project: Miccosukee Tribe - Indian Village - Agency: McClatchy - Producer: Ana Moreno


AeroKool Aviation - The Coolest Part of the Airplane


Miccosukee Gaming Resort