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The Latest News & Imagery from Photographer Steve Boxall.

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Zero G Proposal in the Washington Post

A most unusual marriage proposal: Floating weightless in a plummeting planeOriginal article by John Kelly

A most unusual marriage proposal: Floating weightless in a plummeting plane

Original article by John Kelly

When Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato called me a few weeks before her Zero Gravity flight in Washington DC, I could tell that she left no detail to chance. Mollie, a freelance journalist, was secretly planning to propose to Greg Linch, a software engineer, and wanted to make sure I was ready to capture the moment.

We hatched a plan ahead of time, ensuring that come flight-day there would be no need to communicate further and risk giving the game away to Greg.

I don’t know if Mollie realized but in the heat of the excitement that is a zero gravity flight, she proposed a few parabolas early! Luckily I had a keen eye on the couple and was conscious of her getting ready to pop the question, so positioned myself at the ready.

Take a look at the proposal images here …

The Washington Post wrote about the proposal, the article is here:

Lastly the hilarious ladies desperately trying to stay out of the way center frame, are mother and daughter, Gundy and Kristin, who in my opinion are fantastic! :)


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Medtronic - HVAD Patients

Real Patients - Real Stories

I have been shooting for Medtronic for three years at their annual patient summit. Photographing Medtronic’s patients is an incredible experience. There are always tears shed, both of sorrow and joy. Hearing the patient stories and spending time with a group whom without the HVAD, wouldn’t be with us, makes for an incredible day of laughs and lessons. This year we created a series of lifestyle images to demonstrate how patients can live normal active lives with the HVAD.

Making someone that has just survived heart surgery feel comfortable in front of a camera and with a photo crew looking on is always challenging. Without fail though, the patients and I are laughing and joking within a minute, which is a pure testament to the patients resolve.

HVAD - What the what??

For those of you (like me) who have no idea what an HVAD is allow me to enlighten you and at the same time, introduce a group that each year, continues teach me about living life to the fullest and cherishing each day. Enjoy the images!

So what is an HVAD? Here’s the description from the Medtronic site

A ventricular assist device (VAD) is a mechanical pump. When one of the heart’s natural pumps (a ventricle) does not perform well, a VAD is used to increase the amount of blood that flows through the body. Having a VAD implant allows most people with advanced heart failure to return to a fuller life.

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A small part in making the Google PixelbookGo Commercial in Zero G

It takes a big team to pull off this kind of work, I was but a small cog in the wheel, but it was great fun helping to make this commercial a reality. My job was part of the A-camera team and mostly involved hugging @paulgramaglia to keep him and the camera steady. #noteasy


A-Cam team, cleaning up our act and the set/plane-interior prior to shooting. It takes a family!!

A-Cam team, cleaning up our act and the set/plane-interior prior to shooting. It takes a family!!

Great crew from South Florida and beyond…

Great crew from South Florida and beyond…

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AeroKool Aviation - The Coolest Part of the Airplane

The Coolest Part of the Airplane, pun intended!

Aerokool make magic machines, at least that’s what it looks like to me. Any regular reader of my blog knows I’m a nerd for interesting tech. Well AeroKool make plenty to keep me nerdy.

Explained to me as “the thing that keeps the oxygen masks from being deployed”, Aerokool make airframe environmental control systems, heat transfer, oil & fuel pumping systems. I shot team portraits and product shots at their facility, including a shot during live testing of a heat exchanger. This piece of magic takes in the hot air from the aircraft turbine and spits out freezing cold air at mind boggling rates. The later of which cools and most importantly, pressurizes the cabin while we’re drinking bad coffee and munching on a Biscoff. As long as this piece of equipment keeps silently being a badass then the aforementioned oxygen masks stay firmly in their place!

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Miccosukee Tribe - Indian Village

The most fun day shooting EV-ERRR!

When McClatchy Creative Lab contacted me about a project for the Miccosukee Tribe I was thrilled. I couldn’t have imagined that it was going to be this much fun though. We were given access the Tribe’s Indian Village including guides, airboats and the typical hammock-style camp which has airboat access only.

We got great images shooting from boat to boat (see the video for more). Elvis our chief guide was incredible, helping us logistically and driving the airboats at high speeds as we took the production out into the swamp.

Here are some behind-the-scenes images below to show off the shenanigans.

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Project: Miccosukee Tribe - Indian Village - Agency: McClatchy - Producer: Ana Moreno

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Miccosukee Gaming Resort

The Campaign is live now!

The Campaign is live now!

Are you feeling lucky??!!

Part of a continuing project with McClatchy Creative Lab and the Miccosukee Tribe was a recent shoot at the Miccosukee Gaming Resort. Never before has a shoot of mine been so closely monitored!

Working on a live casino floor comes with its challenges. From managing guest privacy and impact on their experience to the not so obvious security concerns that all casinos share to protect themselves against… cheaters! I am grateful to everyone at the Gaming resort for their help and patience during our time shooting in the facility.

Shame @thesusandean and @jean_vito29 were only fake gambling, I think we could have WON BIG!!!

Project: Miccosukee Gaming Resort - Agency: McClatchy Creative Lab - Producer: Ana Moreno

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Personal Work - Faces of Egypt

Egypt has been on my bucket-list for as long as I can remember, and recently I got to firmly cross it off. During two weeks of adventures on the Nile and the Red Sea, the people of Egypt (and the country as a whole) never failed to disappoint.

I have so many amazing images to share from my time spent in this desert oasis, that I think this will be the first of two or three galleries to come.

For now though, enjoy some of my favorite faces from Egypt.

See more of my personal work from Egypt at

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Photographer turned Music Venue Owner Keith Rouse for The New York Institute for Technology

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The New York Institute for Technology (NYIT) commissioned me to photograph the illustrious Keith Rouse , co-owner of The Luna Star Cafe in North Miami and photographer/film maker. We had a great time collaborating on how best to make these images, at what is an incredible and eclectic location.

I’ll be heading back for great music, food and of course, the beers! If you want to join remember it’s cash only and any cover charge goes directly to the musicians. Cheers!

See more of my portraiture work at

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NYIT Alumni Profile: Keith Rouse

NYIT Alumni Profile: Keith Rouse

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Award winning Educators & Students for

“You have the seeds of greatness within you.”

That message — delivered to a gym full of 6th, 7th, and 8th-graders by their proud mayor, Mr. Anthony Caggiano — perfectly expressed the prevailing sentiment at the 2019 Vocabulary Bowl Champions celebration at Margate Middle School: For the third year running commissioned me to be present at the celebration. This year I created corporate portraits, marketing materials and captured some precious moments of the students and teachers celebrating their unprecedented third victory in as many years.

See more of my education work at

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Zero Emission, Double-Decker, Electric Buses

The world's first delivery of pure electric double decker tourist buses!

I get nerdy about this kind of stuff, so you’ll have to humor me. I was surprised to learn that a double decker coach Electric Vehicle even existed, I was chuffed to also learn that there are other fleets of electric busses across the US, (although they’re not Double deckers) but still a huge step in the right direction. [faith in humanity partially restored]

Take a look at some of the images I shot at Compass Transportation showing off these amazing vehicles.

The very memorably named “C10MS” is an electric double decker and is positioned as a luxury tourist bus. It has a range of 235 miles (about 378 kilometers) on a single charge, has 71 seats and is equipped with a restroom. They are also extremely quiet with the only sound being that from the tires and the whir of it’s electric motors. This fleet of 10 busses will serve Biotech firm Genentech and help their employees with their daily commute to and from San Francisco.

This is the first time that manufacturer BYD had delivered the C10MS globally and I hope it will the first of many, many more to come.


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Making Magic in the Snow for TranDev!

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In December of 2018 TransDev commissioned me to shoot the Marketing images of the Hudson Link, their new service that takes commuters back and forth across the Tappan Zee Bridge (Now the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge).

On Monday, October 29 2018, local commuters were given access to a new enhanced bus service, Hudson Link. Transdev is operating the service utilizing state-of-the-art buses to take commuters to Metro-North train stations in Tarrytown or White Plains, both in Westchester.

Despite the weather turning very cold on us we managed to create really great images during our day riding the bus!

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National Geographic with Veritasium's Derek Muller

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Zero Gravity Corporation and National Geographic commissioned myself and Derek Muller from the YouTube channel “Veritasium” to create a peice on “The Challenges of Living in Low Gravity”.

Derek was an absolute pleasure to work with and his channel is amazing (I’m a subscriber, and yes it’s an awesome channel…you should subscribe if you like science).

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Check out Mars on National Geographic Channel Nov 12, 2018 at 9/8c

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Ready to go weightless!

Ready to go weightless!

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Actor Andy Garcia for Solis Healthcare

In early September 2018 I had the pleasure of photographing Cuban American actor and director Andy Garcia in his home town of Miami for Solis Health Plans.

Making this job a true pleasure was working with the amazing crew of Dark Light Pictures as, under the direction of Andy Garcia, myself and the Dark Light Team we shot the TV commercial and the print campaign in tandem. 

“I believe we have a responsibility in taking care of our community," shared Andy Garcia. "Specifically, the generation that took care of us. SOLIS is committed to this responsibility and to serving its plan members with compassion and respect.”

- Andy Garcia

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Aerogel Technologies, Germany Tour 2018!

I had a blast during a whistle-stop tour of Germany as I shot for Aerogel Technologies and Advapor at the 2018 Aerogel conference and summer school in Hamburg and Koln.

Shooting stills and video for both companies for advertising, social media and marketing I made a ton of great content. It was really interesting working at the DLR/German Aerospace Center (Germany’s NASA).


Do NOT accidentally burst a bag of super insulating Aerogel materials in the car, it doesn’t look good!

Oh and it was Octoberfest :) opps!!!

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Oh dear, time to get the shop vac!

Oh dear, time to get the shop vac!

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KELLOGG'S Australia Campaign in Zero Gravity

How far will Aussies go for irresistibly tasty granola? Well, take a look at this Kellogg’s Campaign video I shot for their Kelloggs Crunchy Nut Granola. They brought a group into Zero Gravity and had them eat Crunchy Nut granola while floating!

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